All Those Candles!

I've been banned from having birthdays
A new rule has been made
Signed, sealed and delivered
By the local Fire Brigade!
They say that all those candles
Would create such a blaze
They'd have to come and put it out
And stay around for days !

So, I guess I'll have to party
Without the birthday cake,
Perhaps I'll light one candle
Just for old time's sake ,
Those firemen ! So fit and strong,
Such handsome looking men -
Whose birthday is it ,anyway ?
Let's light them all again !

copyright: Margaret Glendenning

Happy Birthday!

May your special day be filled with sunshine  and happiness.....

 Blessings to you on this day and always!

Why is a birthday cake the only food you can blow on

and spit on and everybody rushes to get a piece?
-- Bobby Kelton

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